Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nri Return

It's so long for me to reappear in this blog. After three week weight loss management program (lost 8 kg), 4 days traveling for my mission (so much thing to do) and 3 days in 'kampung' (village and without internet). Now i came back.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Seminar Pembangunan & Motivasi Pelajar Thai 2011 ke-19

It take so long for me to write something in this blog. Yes, i'm quite busy with my final examination. Others, i got something important to do. Yes, Seminar pembangunan & motivasi pelajar Thai 2011 a.k.a Seminar development and motivation of students Thai 2011. This seminar is specially to train young Thai teenage in Malaysia and conduct by Thai university student in Malaysia. Yes, this is the only one seminar that conduct by Thai for Thai. I think Thai a.k.a Siamese in Malaysia should be proud because others Races via government and university will not conduct a seminar that participant fully by thai. As director for Seminar development and motivation of students Thai 2011, i want to announce the date and place for the coming seminar.

Date : 2 - 5 Jun 2011
Place : Wat Macchimaram, Kelantan

Sunday, November 14, 2010

eGeneration X (I mean XXX)

Kid nowadays be crative and intel than adult. They are fast learned and can adopt many things. It's good if they apply it in the right thing. The picture below show the wrong thing.

So, what you thinking after see all the picture above. Who should we blame??? The kid or adults? U can think about it,

How to get Suicide

When the Final Exam begin, i'm sure much student will be in depress situation. Here, i got some cartoon about how to do suicide. Readers aren't advise to follow but just release your tension brain. Enjoy it.

If you want to continue your desire to finish your life, don't blame me. If you creative enough, just carry on.

Thai Language

For this entry, i want to introduce my language. Actually everytime i meet people and they know that i'm siamese, they will ask for many things, aspecially languange. Let's we begin with the most simple one, colour and number.

Colour ( Si )

Merah = Deng
White = Kaw
Black = Dam
Green = Kiaw
Blue = Fa
Oren = Som
Yellow = Learng
Pink = Chom- Puu
Gold = Tong
Silver = Ngern
The way to use it, very simple, the grammar is same with Malay language. If Red in colour, it be " Si (colour) Deng (marah). Easy right?

 Number (Mai lek)

1 = neng2 = song
3 = sam
4 = si
5 = ha
6 = hok
7 = ceth
8 = peth9 = kaw
10 = sib11 = sib et
12 = sib song20 = yi sib
21 = yi sib et22 = yi sib song
23 = yi sib sam
30 = sam sib
31 = sam sib et
100 = neng roi ( hundred)
200 = song roi
1000 = neng phan (thousand)
10 000 = sib phan
100 000 = neng roi phan
1 000 000 = neng lan (million)

"Ada apa ngan Anoa 6x6" What matter with ANOA 6x6

Pindad ANOA 6x6

          Lately, Malaysian Goverment (MG) through MINDEF had review their plan on APC (Armoured Personal Carrier) replacement program. As we know, TDM through Kor Mekanis DiRaja used Condor as main APC supported by Sibmas, Adnan IFV, Scorpian and Stormer. Their age asspecially for Condor is equal to my dad age and it's seem not to be more effective when used in mission. Their capability to protect the crew against more modern ATGW or RPG. Due to that reason, MG plan to replace this Condor with AV 8 8x8, made in Turkey. It's seem to be good news for TDM because this type of APC is the modern one and their capability against threat is good as their price.


          The problem here to 'Rakyat' or representative of rakyat a.k.a 'pembangkang' is the price tag. They don't care about the price (surely expensive) but the third person that handle this project (sure makan besar). Let the politic topic behind and look back to AV - 8. What make MG interest so much about AV-8 is the company that product this APC, FNSS kindly want to share the technology or known as transfer of technology (TOT) to local company, DEFTECH. Sadly, TOT had been issued for long time for DEFTECH due to their failure to produce genuine one Made In Malaysia product. The experiance on supply Adnan and latest PT-91M Pendekar doesn't help, their apperantice product Deftech AV-4 seem to be 'tak laku' because there rumor said it's copy from Iguana (made in belgium).

Belgium Iguana, Physical look same with AV-4

Malaysian AV-4

           However, refer on Kosmo said "Malaysia timbang beli kereta perisai Indonesia" that mean Malaysia consider to buy APC from Indonesia. The APC that state on newspaper is ANOA 6x6 made in Pindad (Most Successful Indonesia Defence Company). Congratulation to all Indonesian people, your product will be in Malaysia soon but it's just consider only. That means MG want to value first the capability of this APC before any decision is made. What make MG change decision from AV-8 to ANOA 6x6? There are some factor that encaurage MG decision.

           Compared the price of two type APC may be the main points that made MG change their decision. Don't need to tell the price of each APC but we can value tha AV-8 much expensive than ANOA. Look back into the mission Peacekeeping UN at Lebanon, Condor isn't suitable to do the job because open to the danger of RPG rocket. There are need to replace them as soon as posible and the imposible thing to do is replace them in hurry because the fund is not allowed that. That make Mindef change their stand from AV-8 into ANOA because the price is lower and it's able to stand against RPG thread in order to make sure Malaysia Soldier come home alive. ANOA that is economic price allowed MG to replace Condor for UN mission. Lastly, hope Mindef doesn't make decision in hurry, if ANOA very capability enough to replace Condor, carry on.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Asian Food : Taste Great

This picture i got from internet. This dish look so tasty. It show how good chinese recipe but beware, if you know from what it has made, you will change your mind suddenly.

Look like a taste fried chicken with spice.

Look closure. It has fry with great technique.

1 hour approximate before this

Yeah, the original of delicious meal...

Kfc will surrender with this greatest meal